I am a theoretical physicist.
Broadly speaking, I am interested in understanding how systems of many quantum particles organize themselves.
More specifically, my research aims at extracting non-perturbative and universal statements about phase diagrams of quantum lattice models and quantum field theories.
Recently I have been developing and using methods based in generalized symmetries to address such questions.
I am also interested in quantum information theory, quantum computation and understanding properties of out-of-equilibrium quantum matter.
Brief Bio
2024-present: Assistant professor, Centre for Quantum Mathematics and Danish Institute for Advanced Study at Southern Denmark University
2023-2024: Assistant professor, Niels Bohr International Academy, University of Copenhagen
2021-2023: Postdoctoral research assistant at KTH, Stockholm in the group of Jens Bardarson.
2018-2021: Marie Curie Fellow at Paul Scherrer Institute (with Christopher Mudry) & University of Zürich (with Titus Neupert).
2018: Graduated (PhD) from University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign (supervisor: Shinsei Ryu).